Pop ups - Calendar, Calculator, Zoom box


Authior: Unknown

I have been using this code since 1993 with Access 2.0. The download file includes the Access 2.0 version,. I have also included the upgraded versions for Access 97, Access 2000, and Access 2007. 


It has a Zoom Box, Calendar and Calculator created with just native Access controls. The pop up forms can be used to edit the data in as many  text box controls as needed. The controls can be on the same form or multiple forms.

Category: Example Forms
File Size: 394.87 KB
File Type: application/zip
Hits: 20690 Hits
Download: 2770 times
Created Date: 03-12-2016
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2016

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Orders   The Orders sample application is a sample order entry and invoicing system. Its features include the ShowEvents form, which helps you see the order in which events occur when you are working with forms and controls, and custom data filtering capabilities that you can use in addition to the filtering functionality provided by Access. The initial chapters of Microsoft Access 2000: Building Applications with Forms and Reports explain how to build the features shown in the sample application.

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For more details see: Microsoft Access 2000: Building Applications with Forms and Reports


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**** Disclaimer ***

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