Example Forms

Includes using combo boxes, searching, data entry, etc.

25 Cool Control Tricks
 520.04 KB

Author: database Creations



Access Treeview Example - Organization
 141.2 KB

Displaying Hierarcharical Data. This example uses Employees and the people under them with multiple levels.

Audit Trail
 32.22 KB

By Candace Trip (utter:angel) - Access 2000 format


This db demonstrates how to set up an audit trail of changes to the data including ID, Field Name, the field value before it was changed, the field valueafter it was changed, the user who did the change, and the date/time the changewas made.

Centering a form in the Access window
 15.21 KB

Author:  Peter Schroeder

This  example (A2K format) contains a module that can be used to reliably center (both horizontally and vertically) a form in the Access Window. There is a very simple demo of how it works, as well. The module itself uses Windows API calls to determine the Access application client area and the dimensions of the form in question, and calculates what the TOP and LEFT settings of the form should be to be centered in the Access window.


To use, simply insert the entire modCenterForm into your own database. It is called as follows:



Call gfncCenterForm([form])

ComboBox trick like on web pages
 34.45 KB

Here is an example of how to make a combo box display text like "Find a Customer" and then when you click the drop down arrow, the text goes away. This is similar to what you see on web pages.

The attached is in 2000 format.  


DB Manager

Author: weAscend Technologies


Link to any MDB or MDE file and view/edit data in tables with an added search feature. (Access 97).


This show how to have a dynamic grid that adjust to the number of fields in the query


It can be updated to Newer vrsions.


Document Links
 33.78 KB

This is a basic example of how to store the path to  a file and also be able to view the file. You can browse using the standards windows common dialog to select the file. You can view the file using the application defined with the Windows File Associations. It uses the ShelExec API to open the file. It does not use the .Followhyperlink  method.

This example is a continuous form that could easily be used as a sub form to attach multiple documents to a record.

Document Links 2
 39.29 KB

This is an update to the basic example of how to store the path to a file and also be able to view the file. You can browse using the standards windows common dialog to select the file. You can view the file using the application defined with the Windows File Associations. It uses the ShelExec API to open the file. It does not use the .Followhyperlink  method.

This example is a continuous form that could easily be used as a sub form to attach multiple documents to a record.

***** Because it doesn't use the hyperlink data type, this new version stores the path in a way that allows the folder to be easily moved. 

Document Text stored in tables
 120.11 KB

This example shows how to use tables to store the all the parts of a document.  An  exmaple web be for  creating contracts.

This example also shows how to use cascading sub forms. This is where two sub forms on hte parent for are linked. The first sub form shows records related to the Parent form's current record.. The second sub fom (on the parent form) shows related records to the current record in the other sub form.

Dynamic Shortcut Menus
 71.17 KB

This is a demo of how to create shortcut menu bars from table data.

Unlike the shortcuts on normal shortcut menu bars all the shortcuts in the demo are driven by VBA. This allows altering the normal behaviour of the shortcut or creating your own.

In this demo the shortcut menu bar is generated in the On Current even of a continious sub-form. The shortcut menu bar could also be generated in the On Open event but the On Current event would allow modifing the shortcuts on the fly depending on current data in the record.

The shortcut data in the table can be flagged as required or not on a Form by Form basis.

Some of the examples given are: -
Spell check.
Sort ascending.
Sort descending.
Filter by selection.
Remove filter.
Call a public function with control data.
Call a public function with the primary key.
Export the current Sort/Filter selection to Excel, Word, etc.
Call public functions.
Execute hyperlinks.

Basically what this means is that if we can write code to do something then that code can be called from a shortcut.

The attached demo, in Access 2003, has been tested with many regional settings and requires no references.