Fancy Sort in Continuous Forms


Here's an interesting method of sorting columns in a continuous form. In this case, a subform is used, but the same can be applied to a main form. All the code is behind the form, so there is no need for a regular module.

In the attached Access 97 demo, all this code is in the "sfrmVST" form (a subform).

The first thing to do is to set up each column's title label with a consistant naming convention; "lblxxxxx". Then, each label has a "Tag" property value that contains the name of the 'field' it represents.

There is also another label that is set far to the left of the form. This particular label is special in a couple of ways. First, it's font is set to Marlett and it's visible property is set to "No". The caption of this label is the number "5". It is also important that the label be named: "lblSortIndicator". The "OnClick" event of this label should contain the following code:

Me.lblSortIndicator.Visible = False
Me.OrderBy = ""

Category: Example Forms
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Created Date: 03-12-2016
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2016

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Call gfncCenterForm([form])

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** Updated 1/9/2010 to handle an issue with Access 2010.