Print Multiple Labels


This example shows how to print a varying amount of multiple labels per record.

It also shows how to have 1 of X, 2 of X, etc. print for each item in a group.

Category: Example Reports
File Size: 19.33 KB
File Type: application/zip
Hits: 5317 Hits
Download: 2595 times
Created Date: 03-12-2016
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2016

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**Note: The barcode font is stored in a table as a BLOB. It is installed and removed automatically for you.


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This is an example based on the NorthWind example using the Invoice report.

I created a form to select the Invoices you want to print. There is a "Select All", "Unselect All",  "Print Invoices", and "Save as Snapshot files"  buttons.

To make it work I had to added one field to the "Orders" table. I added this field to the query form the Invoice report.

*** Updated  9/28/2010 ******

Added the ability to export the invoices to individual Snapshot (.snp) files.

Hope you find this useful.


*** The download includes a 97 and 2000 version. 

Will convert to Access 2007/2010

For 2007/2010 see: Batch Printing and Save As PDF

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 The download includes databases in Microsoft Access 97 and Microsoft Access 2000.  formats  This will allow anyone with Access 97, Access 2000, Access 2002, Access 2003, and Access 2007 to use this example.

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This is an Acess 2007 format database.

This is an example based on the NorthWind example using the Invoice report.

I created a form to select the Invoices you want to print. There is a "Select All", "Unselect All",  "Print Invoices" , and "Save Invoices as separate PDFs" buttons.

To make it work I had to added one field to the "Orders" table. I added this field to the query form the Invoice report.

Hope you find this useful.


*** The download uses the built-in ability to create PDFs available in  Access 2007 and later.

Note: with Access 2007 you will need to be sure that you have downloaded and installed the  add-in for creatng PDFs..