Microsoft Access 2010 Download: Access Runtime



May require Internet Explorer to download

Brief Description
The Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime enables you to distribute Access 2010 applications to users who do not have the full version of Access 2010 installed on their computers.
Category: Deployment and Installers
File Type: application/octet-stream
Hits: 48374 Hits
Download: 2316 times
Created Date: 06-01-2010
Last Updated Date: 06-01-2010

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Inno Installer Script (Like Sagekey)
Inno Installer Script (Like Sagekey)

Hosted here for Author: Darren Jones

This is an INNO Setup installer script. 

With this script the initial download is far smaller in size for the end user that already has Runtime installed. he script has been put together using code snippets found on different forums along with bits I did myself, so thanks go to everyone.

This script will check to see if the user has either Access 2003, AccessRT 2003, Access 2007 or AccessRT 2007 installed.

If no access is detected, it will automatically download your Access 2003 runtime files from your web server and install them before continuing with installing your mde.

If access 2007 is detected, the end user will be prompted that functionality may differ (This can be changed)

If access 2003 is detected, the installation will continue.

The script will also add the relevent registry entries to eliminate the Security Warnings that normally show up when launching an .mde.

You will obviously need to download Inno Setup from Click Here

You will also need ISTool from Click Here

And finally you need to install the download module from Click Here


Microsoft Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime
Microsoft Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime

May require Internet Explorer to download

Brief Description
The Microsoft Office Access 2007 Runtime enables you to distribute Access 2007 applications to users who do not have the full version of Access 2007 installed on their computers.
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Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime Download

May require Internet Explorer to download


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