Accounts Ledger


This is a Acess database in the 2002/2003 format.
Category: Access Templates
File Size: 207.4 KB
File Type: application/zip
Hits: 65026 Hits
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Created Date: 03-12-2016
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2016

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Explorer Bar - Non ActiveX
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Here's a copy of the original post from the UI forum at ...

To become familiar with how it works, look at the Form_Open subroutine for the frmExplorerBar, frmExplorerBarSubPane and frmDatabaseDesktop forms. There you will see how the properties for the classes are set (and some of the properties you can set). Here's a basic list of properties you can set and change at any time:

clsExplorerBar (There are more than these listed, but you shouldn't mess with 'em unless you know what it does):
PaneFormName - Name of form that is used as sourceobject for Pane subforms on ExplorerBar
BackgroundColor - Background Color of Main ExplorerBar
AdminForm - Name of Admin Form (currently frmExplorerBarAdmin)
PaneSourceSQL - SQL to determine which panes will be shown to user
PaneOffset - Spacing between Panes on ExplorerBar
PanePrefix - Prefix string for pane subforms, currently sfrmMenuPane
MenuTable - Name of table that holds menu item information, currently tblDatabaseMenuItem

1) The PaneSourceSQL is input in this way to allow for whatever type of security system you plan on using. Modify the PaneSourceSQL before inputting it into the clsExplorerBar property. This will allow you to control which panes are available to certain users without unnecessarily restricting you to a certain type of security.

2) The ExplorerBar form currently only has 10 subform controls for ExplorerPanes. If you need/want more, simply copy the current controls and paste new ones. However, they must be named according to the conventions. For example, they must be name sfrmMenuPane01 ... sfrmMenuPane 14, etc. You can change the prefix (i.e. sfrmMenuPane) and set it in the EB property, however the number (01, 14, etc) must always contain two digits. The class will automatically detect how many panes are available for use and ensure an error isn't thrown if you're trying to use more than available.

clsExplorerPane (same warning as above):
MenuTitleColor - ForeColor of Text in Pane's Title Bar
MenuItemColor - ForeColor of Text for Menu Items
HighlightColor - Color of highlight bar for mouseover of menu item
SelectionColor - Color of highlight bar for menu item that is clicked
BackgroundColor - Color of area behind menu item text when it is not highlighted or selected

clsDatabaseDesktop (blah blah blah):
ShowMenuBar - False if you don't want the main Menu Bar (File, Edit, etc) to be shown on opening the form
ExplorerBarName - Name of subform control holding the explorer bar form
DatabaseName - Name of Database, currently just a string, but easily modified to pick it up from a table
TimeFormat - Format of time textbox in lower left corner of main form
DateFormat - Format of data textbox in lower left corner
WorkspaceName - Name of subform control holding the workspace
DefaultWorkspaceForm - Name of form you want to use as the default workspace form

If you change the first line (constant gbolHandleErrors) to False, the error handler will be turned off.
If it's on, you'll receive the following information should an error occur:
- Name of class the error occurred in
- Name of procedure the error occured in
- Source of error (if available)
- Line number error occurred on (if available)
- Description of error (if available)
- Name of class and name of procedure that called the procedure the error occurred in
- Listing of all procedures that were called that led to the error (helps with debugging)

It currently doesn't, but this error handler could be easily modified to email this info or write it to a file
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