Centering a form in the Access window


Author:  Peter Schroeder

This  example (A2K format) contains a module that can be used to reliably center (both horizontally and vertically) a form in the Access Window. There is a very simple demo of how it works, as well. The module itself uses Windows API calls to determine the Access application client area and the dimensions of the form in question, and calculates what the TOP and LEFT settings of the form should be to be centered in the Access window.


To use, simply insert the entire modCenterForm into your own database. It is called as follows:



Call gfncCenterForm([form])

Category: Example Forms
File Size: 15.21 KB
File Type: application/zip
Hits: 76093 Hits
Download: 2422 times
Created Date: 03-12-2016
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2016

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