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Hits: 1896
Microsoft Updates for Office Products
Hits: 2233
Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats
By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files using the file formats in newer versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint . The Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view files saved in these new formats. For more information about the Compatibility Pack, see 924074.
Hits: 2332
Office 2010: Product Guides
Microsoft Office 2010 offers powerful new ways to deliver your best work
Hits: 2460
How to manage templates in 2007 Office programs
This article describes the different types and locations of templates in 2007 Microsoft Office programs. Additionally, this article contains information about registry settings that control where you find custom templates.
Hits: 2246
Choose the perfect color for any slide with Color Cop (video)
Today Bruce shows how you can get exact color matches using this neat (and free!) software to pick the perfect color for any slide.
Hits: 1827
Office 2010 5 minute makeover videos
From good to great in under 5 minutes
Hits: 2013
Additional References
Hits: 2212
How to build an Office COM add-in by using Visual C# .NET
Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, and Microsoft Office 2007 support a uniform design architecture for building application add-ins to enhance and to control Office applications. These add-ins are called Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) add-ins. This step-by-step article discusses Office COM add-ins and describes how to build an Office COM add-in by using Microsoft Visual C# .NET.
Hits: 2067
How To Build an Office COM Add-in by Using Visual Basic .NET
Microsoft Office 2000 and later support a new, uniform design architecture for building application add-ins to enhance and to control Office applications. These add-ins are called COM add-ins. This step-by-step article discusses Office COM add-ins and describes how to build an Office COM add-in by using Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.
Hits: 2292
Create a SmartArt graphic
A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information that you can quickly and easily create, choosing from among many different layouts, to effectively communicate your message or ideas. You can create SmartArt graphics in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word.
Hits: 1984
How to install the individual 2007 Office features or to repair the installed 2007 Office programs
This article describes how to install 2007 Microsoft Office features and how to repair 2007 Office programs and features that are already installed. Note The information that is contained in this article is also available in Microsoft Office Help.
Hits: 1818
Save time with computer shortcuts in Microsoft Office programs
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